Author Archive for: admin

Entries by admin

Border disputes, China AI and Successful Startups

In today’s world, the peacock is more admired than the chacalaca. The bold maneuver more than the quiet effort, the hare more than the tortoise, the eloquent loud speaker above the quiet toiler. We often celebrate what people have done but rarely what they did not do, which in some cases is more valuable. Our […]

Expensive China, Estonian Autonomous Buses and Cheaters in India

Last weekend we attended a gathering of Washington, D.C. refugees. That is, a group of us who once worked in Washington, D.C. but now live in the more beautiful, successful Washington in the Pacific Northwest. Just as back when we worked in D.C., the gathering included people from both Republican and Democrat congressional offices. When […]

The Economic Yin, the Three Body Problem Yang and India

We write this as we prepare to head to Washington, D.C. for both our Uncle’s 80th birthday celebration (happy birthday, John!) and later to attend a conference on Directed Energy Weapons (i.e., really cool ways to blow things up). Many years ago we lived in the nation’s capital at a time when it was one […]