Author Archive for: admin

Entries by admin

Latest on Electric Car Sales, Fight for Your Right to Parties & Tagging Grafitti

In our ever expanding department of unpopular opinions, we finally saw the mega-hit movie Black Panther last week and while entertained, we also had some reservations. The movie was visually stunning, had more interesting moral quandaries and intellectual arguments than your average superhero movie and was overall more entertaining than most Marvel movies. But the […]

Great Leaders, Smartphones Calling Trade and Venezuelan Origami

We’ve noted our worries about automation displacing human jobs before, but it’s also possible that at least in the mid-term, the worries are overblown as we were reminded when reading an article recently that asserted truck drivers’ jobs would change, not be eliminated, with the advent of self-driving trucks. Of course, some jobs we may welcome […]

Innovation Index, Satellite Love, Unemployed Dogs

In what we don’t believe will serve as a useful metaphor of our world’s strange times, when we were filling our tank the other day at a gas station, a large white truck started to back into the pump position next to ours. But the driver of the Ford F150 kept backing and backing up […]

Age(ing) of China

Ignorance is bliss, they say. Apparently this adage is from a 1747 poem by Thomas Gray. Who is Thomas Gray you ask? Well, refer back to the first sentence. At any rate we’re reminded of this old saying by the multitude of data and insights that are used in sports nowadays. Baseball strategy has been […]