Author Archive for: admin

Entries by admin

Innovation Index, Satellite Love, Unemployed Dogs

In what we don’t believe will serve as a useful metaphor of our world’s strange times, when we were filling our tank the other day at a gas station, a large white truck started to back into the pump position next to ours. But the driver of the Ford F150 kept backing and backing up […]

Age(ing) of China

Ignorance is bliss, they say. Apparently this adage is from a 1747 poem by Thomas Gray. Who is Thomas Gray you ask? Well, refer back to the first sentence. At any rate we’re reminded of this old saying by the multitude of data and insights that are used in sports nowadays. Baseball strategy has been […]

Chinese Wages, State of Carbon & is Life Better or Worse?

We’ve long wondered how cats planned to subvert humankind and complete their take over of the world. They’ve made a good start by conning us into feeding them, massaging them and playing with them with fake mice and feathers attached to sticks at their whim. But now they are fully implementing their devious and cruel […]

Automation’s Effect, Social Media and Good News

Last year for a client we interviewed a variety of small companies regarding their challenges and opportunities in doing business. It was remarkable how many of them commented on the difficulties they faced in competing with large companies. And not natural differences stemming from economies of scale but rather from rent seeking that has been […]

Asia and China, Brains of the Operation, & Billionaires

When someone mentions cutting edge, daring television, the first thought that comes to your mind is probably some dark show on HBO, or a drug drama on FX or a sex comedy on Showtime. But we submit to you that the most daring television show is currently on one of the traditional three networks. It’s The […]